Tuesday, January 09, 2007

OOOoooooooo you gotta see.....

What I got in the mail yesterday..... Thanks heaps Katt
It went from this to this and this to this BTW i got 2 skeins ;)

Im really hopeless at taking photos these days, my hands seem to shake more. But the colours are lighter than in pic, They are simply gorgeous. These socks are for Brins, we are all having matching ones, me, Brins and Skye. So Smell I need the heffs foot measurements.

Now no scoffing and going "blah blah blah" this was ordered and paid for BEFORE the new year and my yarn diet, as will be the next lot that comes. Soooo ner ner ner.

Not much more to report, doing a little knitting, a little gardening and today my shoulders are hurting. Did too much maybe?

here a pic of Brins riding her barbie scooter she got for Xmas. soo kewl I want one too now.
Let it be said here that "the boy" whos 18 this year was caught riding it too while brins was away at her dads..... mmmm

Tomoz I got to have a renal ultrasound, as the body scan showed up my left kidney is not working that good, Heck I knew that years ago, after a ultrasound picked up I had a huge cyst on it, but the docs didnt seem that concerned so I thought it wasnt that bad. Probably still isnt, but we check anyways. OMG I cant have my morning coffee, helppppppppppp I will need a iv of caffeine when I get back home at lunch. LOL

Ive started skeining up the 1kg of off white wool I have here to dye to make my jumper out of. Cant wait though Im a little worried on how the colours will go etc, dying wool is so hit and miss hey.
Ok gunna go knit somemore and rest. Im killing myself here. haha

Heres another little pic to warm ur heart.
Miss Skye-Heffalump-Leigh at 13months .... So beautiful

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.