Monday, April 02, 2007

i finished i finished

I finished the vest and she wuvs it and her mummy heaps.

This is a close up of the front, we decided against a ribbed neckline and went for something a little more feminine... just a shell edged border with ribbon threaded

next we have the fingerless gloves...

Omgodess Im soooooooooo annoyed at myself over these. The first pair I did had gorgeous little skulls and bones on em, but were that small they might have fitted brins, (which the spunk reminded me about AFTER I hadpulled em apart). So we went simple, just stripped, not fingers besides the thumb gusset and she loved em. Maria you are a gem of a mate.

So whats installed next.... well I need to finish smells surprise and the spunk needs his socks finished.... beautiful alpaca i got handspun from opshop last year.

Hopefully that will give me time to think about me. YES ME. cause I need a new jumper and a new cardigan... Oh and I promised Brins a new cardi too. All from the stash of course. And I want to make both girls their "weasley sweaters" too. I might need to buy a small amount for those. Contrast yanno *wink*

And a small pic of my sewing I am working on atm

... Its sorta a kimono style top, yanno the ones that are all the rage now. Hopefully I will finish it at sewing tomorrow.

Also I soooooo realllllly want to make these for the heff. So smell if ur reading this and can get hold of some sirdar in that puffy stuff. (slowflake inthe 8ply) I would appreciate it. Yanno if I have to go near that store at MountPleasantI will buy stuff I dont need. Pattern is from the latest (in OZ) of Simply Knitting. I love this mag, it has patterns for everyone and the little free gifts come in handy. I love this months, the magnetic needle case. They were so in my head when they came up with that idea. Im always running around looking for needles here.

And last pic, Last weekend the v8s were here in Perth and as I had brins that weekend the spunk took his daughter to watch em, while I sat wtaching them on tv and knitting in peace. But hes such a sweetie he didnt forget me again.(those last year will remember he got me flowers and bag and hat etc from v8s. This year I got another bucket hat

In other pressing news today.
him pict here with his neice is starting a new life today. He left this morning on a trip to victoria where aboard the HMAS Cerberus he starts a new life as a recruit. Good Luck my little man, Mummy will send a survival package soon.

Ok Im gunna go make a smoothie, fiqure out dinner, and sit and knit on the sock for him and the thing for her and look thru some patterns for them

Ciao all

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you have been knitting lots!!

Cathy had some of that brightly coloured acrylic! You wont lose her in that will you! lol

I cant wit to see what that little thing for Smell is! and the socks for Spunk are looking great...

You are doing well with your sewing too arent you!
